If you know me in person, you probably know I'm not the skinniest girl walking the face of the earth, but I wouldn't say I'm fat either. I did a BMI test a week ago and my BMI is 22. You have a healthy BMI when it's between 18 and 25. So I'm somewhere near the middle, which is okay with me.
My biggest goal isn't to loose weight, would be great if it happened though, but my main goal is to stay like this (which is hard enough already). I have made a list of exercises I do to reach that goal every single day. So I made another week schedule which you will hopefully find useful.
It does take some time to do all of this, but because I do it I can eat chocolate, cookies and pizza! Yay!

- 20 lunges (start out with 10 on each side, if this is easy do 20 on each side)
- 20 squats
- 20 side squats (same as with lunges)
- 20 bridges
- 30 sec planking
- 10 push-ups (YOU CAN DO IT!)
- 20 climbers
- 10 sitting twists
- 10 front kicks
- 20 punches
Do this workout 2 or 3 times.
Because you did a lot on Monday, Tuesday is sort of a rest day. Do try to walk or ride your bike when you go places. It's cheap and good for you and the environment.
In the evening you do a 15-minute workout, take 30 seconds of rest between the exercises.
- 1 min jumping jacks
- 1 min lunges
- 1 minute planking
- 1 minute squats
- 1 minute climbers
repeat the whole thing.
Today is a fun day, I have dancing, so I suggest you do something like that as well. Maybe you can do some Zumba (there is a lot of that on YouTube) or just dance in your room, I know that you will probably feel really silly doing it, but it's fun. Find a tutorial for a dance online and enjoy yourself for as long as you want (preferably 30 minutes or longer).
Same as monday. Go jogging or take a bike ride for at least 30 minutes and do the workout:
20 lunges
- 20 squats
- 20 side squats
- 20 bridges
- 30 sec planking
- 10 push-ups
- 20 climbers
- 10 sitting twists
- 10 front kicks
- 20 punches
Today you get to have a restday, so go watch The Vampire Diaries or something like that and stay in bed! But ride that bike to the supermarket though!
Same as tuesday! A 15 minute workout!
- 1 min jumping jacks
- 1 min lunges
- 1 minute planking
- 1 minute squats
- 1 minute climbers
repeat it:)!
Hey, it's Sunday, chill :) Eat Pizza.
As you can probably tell by my charming picture, I use weights during some of the exercises because I want to train my arm muscles. But you don't have to do that unless you want to. Also try to drink 1,5 liters of water everyday especially while working out so you don't get dehydrated.
So here's what I do. You can switch 15 minute workout around during the week. There are weeks when I do mine on Friday instead of Tuesday.
But this is what I do to make sure that I can eat my pizza and cookies and won't gain weight. Let me know your fitness exercises or tips and tricks!
Hahaha, ja ik weet wat je bedoelt. Daarom ben ik maar gaan zwemmen en op musical gegaan. dan is het niet zo van ik moet alleen naar de sportschool. Heb wel een abbo maar ik kom daar echt zo weinig:P Als ik met meer mensen sport ben ik toch iets enthousiaster:P